Acorn Street Association

Welcome to Acorn Street, our home and one of the most photographed streets in Boston.

Acorn street.jpg

About us

Acorn Street is one of the most photographed streets in Boston and it has become a major tourist attraction. It retains its original charm as the neighbors have maintained it as a private way.

In the 19th century, the houses facing Acorn Street housed artisans and workers at the fancier surrounding addresses but those addresses now claim one of the most iconic views in the City. Tourists are welcome to click a quick picture at the top or bottom of the Street but access is limited and the privacy of the owners needs to be respected. Please remember that people live here; we are happy to share our view but please consider your fellow visitors as well as the residents as you pass by!

Film and Photography

Commercial Guidelines and Permits

Professional photographers are not allowed to take photos on Acorn Street without obtaining a permit from the Acorn Street Association and paying a fee based on the time required. In order to get a permit for a shoot on the private way, please check the fee schedule and arrange for your permit to use the Street for a shoot. Photographers without appropriate permitting will be asked to leave immediately as they will be trespassing on private property.

Fee and Schedule for Still, Film, and Television Photography

  • One hour or any part thereof: $375

  • Four hours or any part thereof: $1,500

  • Full day (over four hours): $3,000

  • Evenings (5pm to sunset): $2,100

Start no earlier than 8am. Night shoots require special permission and rates



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